Sunday, September 12, 2010

Summer Basket Weaving

This summer I had time to devote to one of my favourite activities basket weaving. I attended 2 Southwestern Ontario Basketry Guild workshops as well as, what my
fellow Bloggers and willow

weaving enthusiasts and I affectionately called, 'Basketry Camp'. Not only did we complete one very fine garden harvest basket, but also a Danish style woven willow bird feeder.I was completely new to this structure of basket. It was Frances' design and willow fromher Weaving Willow garden.
First we formed the base using a screw block. The weave had to be viciously rapped in
to place to form an even, squared base.
Next came the scalloming, not my favourite part.
Each stake had to be finely slivered at one end to attach
to the base. This took me a long time resulting in only a few minor cuts and and blisters. Fewer next time, I hope.
Using different coloured willow and weaves to form the sides was quick work while the border was new to me again. With a wrapped handle and herringbone finish it was a work of art that was hard to believe had started with a few select sticks!

It was a great opportunity to weave in the quiet, relaxed and spacious atmosphere at Lakeshore Willows. We started off our days with a romp on the north shore of Lake Eire with Duke and Hanson, followed by long days of weaving that flew by.
The dogs had another idea for the sticks they found.

Lene had the bases for the bird feeders already started when we arrived with the soaked willow. Just a little tweeking with the drillpress and we were off; the first stakes in and the sides woven. I was able to practise the border technique again before we raised more stakes for the roof; another new weaving pattern. We were too tired to finish the rim until morning so we rose to a towel covered alien invasion. I think our finished bird feeders look magnificent. I hope the birds agree.